Nomos LLC has recently undertaken:
- Managing and strategically positioning a growing portfolio of Greek and U.S. clients' assets, particularly focusing on international real estate audits, valuations research, and transnational transactions
- Co-hosting and organising the International Sport Law and Business Conference in Istanbul, September 6-7, 2010
- Assisting the American Community Schools in Athens, Greece with hosting international basketball coaches clinics and developing international basketball competitions and exposure events
- Consulting Amateur Summer Baseball Leagues in the U.S. on Intellectual Property matters, athletes’ agreements, amateurism policy and NCAA Compliance
- Advising U.S. and international coaches’ associations on NCAA amateurism policy amendments and assisting with ensuing policy statements drafting, in view of prospective student-athletes’ recruiting and international migration
- Educating NCAA Division I member institutions coaching and compliance staff members on international recruiting matters in view of Proposal 2009-22.